Friday, November 04, 2011

Weekly Homework: Read a half hour each night.  Complete three annotations as a minimum.
Focus one annotation on theme, and one on foreshadowing.  Annotations will be graded on Thursday. Set a goal of 100 pages a week and see how close you can come to it.
As you finish a text, you need to write a paragraph of thematic analysis which explicates the most significant theme in your novel.

Monday 9
Independent Reading
Week Two Homework Reminder
Book Fair
Parent Teacher Conferences

Tuesday 10
Small Group Shared Read:
Lamb to Slaughter by Roald Dahl
How does Foreshadowing create suspense?

Wednesday 11
Independent Reading of Shared Text:
A Dip in the Pool or The Way Up to Heaven
Assign Think In Threes Essay: Essay of Literary Comparison
Essay due November 16th.
Parent Teacher Conferences

Thursday 12
Independent Reading:
Share Annotations with small group.

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