Monday, April 26, 2010

The Final Act


Create a two-character scene that shows a character working through a conflict, crisis, or issue. Your main characters needs to fear losing something important to them: a home, a date, or even their confidence. Think about something that “bugs” you and turn it into a scene! Your goal is to move your peers—to make them laugh or smile or to feel surprise or sadness. Think of your WNB entries. Think of something from your own life you could mirror to the audience. Think of Novio Boy. You could elect to use the characters presented in Novio Boy to write a new scene. You might create a conversation between Alicia and Patricia when she excuses herself to answer her beeper. Maybe Rudy and Patricia go on a second disastrous date? Maybe Patricia’s dad does shows up and discovers that she is not at the library? Or you can be completely original in your characterization and scene. Scenes can be funny, touching, serious, or any combination of emotions. Use parenthesis to indicate movements or stage directions. Your scene should be typed, and roughly 2-4 pages in length with clean copy. You will be required to perform your scene live in class or create a video to play for your peers. If you elect to film your scene all filming must be completed outside of school.

Scene draft is due on Thursday, April 29th

Final scene due and performance is May 6th and 7th.

Other important dates:

April 28: Late Arrival and Novio Boy response due

April 30: In-class Drama essay test

May 3: pARTners Belief Project begins

June 1: Classic or Award winner reading letter due

June 8: Final exam.

June 10: Field Trip and Graduation

June 11: Last Day of School