Thursday, December 09, 2010

December 13-22

All students should have at least one After Reading project completed before Holiday Break. Options are a character poem, letter to me or a classmate or an epilogue.

Monday 13
Independent Reading
Short Story Retake

Tuesday 14
Create Middle or
Climax of Fictional Narrative.

Wednesday 15
Work on the Rule of "So What?"
Ways to include thoughts and feelings and show character change.

Thursday 16
The satisfaction of resolution
in Fictional Narrative

Friday 17
Draft of Fictional Narrative due for editing and revision.
Revised Poems due to White Between the Lines
Enrichment credit given for thoughtful, quality revision submitted to:

Monday 20
Writing conferences in class.

Tuesday 21
Final revision and printing.

Wednesday 22
Final draft of Fictional Narrative due.
Writing celebration.