Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday 13
Poem of the week: First love by Carl Linder
Sharing Jerseys

Weekly Homework:
Read first 32 pages of A Step from Heaven or the first 58 of Forgotten Fire. Create 9 Hotseat Questions. Heaven needs to be prepared by Monday. Fire needs to be prepared by Tuesday.

Independent Writing Project #1

1. Write a narrative poem about a time you felt a sense of guilt similar to the speaker in the poem Guilt. Use descriptive words, strong images, and a powerful ending to move the reader.

2. Write a narrative poem describing a schooling experience you can’t seem to forget like in the poem “The Little Boy.” Use a voice appropriate to the time the incident occurred. Consider using repetition.

3. Write a poem about one of your “First Loves.” Use concise verbs and strong images to show your passion for your sport.

General instructions: Look carefully at the poem you are learning from. Note how the poet uses imagery and line breaks. Type, edit and revise your poem. Use an MLA heading like this….

Your Name

Mrs. Hoelscher

IWP #1 choice # 1

September 24, 2010


Good luck! Due on September 24th. Note this is homework and is an independent writing experience. See what you can do. You are expected to type, edit and print this project on your own time. This assignment is worth 20 points and will be graded on Ideas and Conventions.

Tuesday 14
Select novel of choice: Forgotten Fire or A Step From Heaven.
Check-out books from media center.

Wednesday 15
Sentence Imitation Activity
Begin reading novels.

Thursday 16
Sentence Imitation Activity
Pre-writing for Poetry Project

Friday 17
Colter Bay Indian Arts Museum
Bring Lunch and Warm clothes!

Monday 20
Poem of the Week: Mirror by Sylvia Plath
Small class discussion: A Step From Heaven.
Reading Time for Forgotten Fire.

Tuesday 21
Small class discussion: Forgotten Fire.
Reading Time: A Step from Heaven

Wednesday 22
Journal check

Thursday 23
Create Mission Statement.

Friday 24
Share Poems.

Next reading assignment:

Fire: Read Book Two for Wednesday, September 28 (page 113) and four double column annotations.

Heaven: Read through page 117 for Tusday, September 28 and complete four double column annotations.

Each quarter, I expect that you are reading at least two novels or books independently. After completing a novel, respond in a well-developed paragraph to Ms. Swiggum's blog--What are you Reading? This is located on the right side of the page.

Complete this task once before October 1st.
Complete this task for a second time before October 29th.
PEAK students please see me about another option.