Welcome to 2011.
Quarter II ends on January, 14th. Get all your work in!
Independent Reading Check and time to read!
Anticipation Guide
Graphic Organizer: What Money Buys and What Money Can't Buy.
Reminder: Independent Reading Project #2 due by January, 14th!
This should be about your second novel and could be a character poem, a reading letter or an epilogue. This is worth twenty points and will impact your grade if you do not complete it.
Tuesday 4
Set goal for MAP.
Shared Reading: The Pearl by John Steinbeck
Close reading, looking for setting, theme, characterization and symbol.
Wednesday 5
Thursday 6
Independent Reading
Shared Reading: The Pearl by John Steinbeck
Close reading, looking for setting, theme, characterization and symbol.
Friday 7
Grammar Lesson
Shared Reading: The Pearl by John Steinbeck
Close reading, looking for setting, theme, characterization and symbol.