Homework: Read Short Story: La Guera by Gary Soto.
Complete Short story review due on Friday, December 3rd.
Monday 29Shared Read: Too Far
(student written short story)
What makes this story work?
How can I apply the principle of dialogue, action and reflection to my own story?
Tuesday 30
Review and discussion of Too Far
Book Marks and Sticky Note Sort by Quality
Assign short story
Independent Reading Time
Wednesday 1
Grammar: Adjectives and Adjective Phrases
Independent Poetry Project #3 due
Write first scene.
Thursday 2
Poetry Revision Workshop with Matt Daly
Friday 3
Poetry Revision Workshop with Matt Daly
December 6-10
Weekly Homework:
1. Read your independent novel and complete your after reading project, if you have not already done so.
2. Adjective Activity due on Friday.
3. You can also work on the creation of your own short story. Remember to focus on using dialogue, action and reflection to construct your scenes. Your short story is due on December 22nd.
Monday 6
Independent Reading Time:
Exit Ticket:
How did this writer use dialogue, action and reflection?
What other author tools stood out to you?
Tuesday 7
Short Story Test
Wednesday 8
Grammar: Adjective Phrases
Plan Fictional Narrative Using
Beginning, Middle and End
Dialogue, Action and Reflection
Thursday 9
Start Red Pony by John Steinbeck as a Shared Read
PEAK students might elect to read both The Red Pony and The Pearl.
Friday 10
Writing Workshop: Create First Scene of Fictional Narrative