Monday 28th
Memorization Lesson
Copy your selected poem into WNB#27
View winners of Poetry Outloud
Read poem to partner three times in class
Homework: Recite poem three times in front of an inanimate object!
Tuesday 29th
WNB# 28: My Life as ....create your own extended metaphor
Annotate and Discuss Poems about Life: The Journey, Lesson of the Moth, Mirror
Homework: Recite poem three times in front of a mirror.
Wednesday 30th
LATE ARRIVAL--(two hour delay to school start time)
Poetry Alive!
WNB #29: The goofiest thing I have ever done...
Annotate and Discuss Poems about Embarrassing Moments: Handcuffs, I finally managed to speak to her
Homework: Recite poem three times in front of a family member.
Thursday 1st
Poetry Recitations
Friday 2nd
Poetry Recitations
Gallery Night at The Center for the Arts
starts at 4:30