Monday, May 05, 2008

May 4th-9th

4 Great Poems Assignment
Directions: Use all the usable material from your writer’s notebook to craft your best four poems. Yesterday, you likely polished one of your list poems and your “In the Room” entry. Today, I want you to look to other writer’s notebook entries for inspiration. For example, you might write a dramatic monologue using the details you recorded about a time you were teased. Or you may elect to create a shape or concrete poem about any of the experiences you wrote about, particularly the entry we did about secrets.


Type your name on the page

Title all poems

Each poem must include two of the following:
a vegetable, a color, a piece of furniture, a toy, a piece of clothing, a liquid, a lie

Each poem must contain two of the following:
alliteration, onomatopoeia, repetition, internal or external rhyme
simile, metaphor, extended metaphor, symbol, personification, hyperbole
imagery, irony, vivid verbs, concrete nouns, a startling ending, pun, double meaning

Each poem must include PUnCtuaTion!

Possible Formats:

Concrete or Shape
“In the Room”
List poem
Persona Poem
Free Verse
series of Haikus (3)

Use line breaks and stanzas to emphasize the meaning of your words.


Be prepared to share at least one of your poems in class on Friday.

Enrichment credit: Submit one or more of your poems to Poetry Alive.

Monday, April 28, 2008

April 28th-May 1st

Monday 28th
Memorization Lesson
Copy your selected poem into WNB#27
View winners of Poetry Outloud
Read poem to partner three times in class
Homework: Recite poem three times in front of an inanimate object!

Tuesday 29th
WNB# 28: My Life as ....create your own extended metaphor
Annotate and Discuss Poems about Life: The Journey, Lesson of the Moth, Mirror
Homework: Recite poem three times in front of a mirror.

Wednesday 30th
LATE ARRIVAL--(two hour delay to school start time)
Poetry Alive!
WNB #29: The goofiest thing I have ever done...
Annotate and Discuss Poems about Embarrassing Moments: Handcuffs, I finally managed to speak to her
Homework: Recite poem three times in front of a family member.

Thursday 1st
Poetry Recitations

Friday 2nd
Poetry Recitations
Gallery Night at The Center for the Arts
starts at 4:30

Friday, April 04, 2008

April 21st -25th

Spring Break Work: Finish novel. Compose 2nd and final reading letter to your partner.

Welcome Back!

Monday 21st
Poem Search in Media Center.
Find a favorite poem, look specifically for poems with meter.
I suggest a sonnet, a ballad or a song for this assignment.
Be prepared to recite by Thursday, May 1st.

Daybook pages: Annotate and respond to the poems on Page 170 and 171-172.
Then select either the more challenging Dickinson poem on page 121-122 or the poem on 109-110. Annotate and respond.
Due on Friday, April 25th.

Tuesday 22nd
Annotate and Discuss Poems about Understanding: Still I Rise, Noise, Spanish
2nd and final reading letter due today.

Wednesday 23rd
WNB#26 A Room in the Past Lesson

Thursday 24th
A Room in the Past Lesson
Mini-Lesson: How to cite poetry

Friday 25th
In-class writing prompt.
Read and Respond to “Race Politics.”
Daybook pages due today.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Explanation of Reading Letters

Letter number one: Write a three-paragraph letter to your reading partner. Be sure to include: a friendly introduction, a discussion of the characterization and emerging themes, a description of the point in the novel when you felt hooked, and a description of a passage that had particularly strong imagery or action for you. Include at least three questions you have after reading. The point of the letter is to make insights that your partner may have missed. Your partner needs to respond to your letter on the page you send to them—be creative with your letters! DUE ON APRIL 3rd OR BEFORE YOU LEAVE FOR SPRING BREAK! YOU SHOULD BE COMPLETED WITH AT LEAST HALF OF YOUR BOOK AT THIS POINT.

Letter number two: This letter should again start with a friendly introduction, a description of where you read the conclusion of your book, and one memorable aspect of your Spring Break. Describe in paragraph two your response to the denouement of the novel: was the resolution ironic or unexpected in anyway? In paragraph three describe what type of reader might like this book. Who specifically would you recommend this novel to and why? Finally, was this novel worth reading? How did it differ from your literature circle book or other books you typically read? Your partner needs to respond to your letter on the page you send to them. THIS FINAL LETTER SHOULD BE WRITTEN AFTER YOU FINISH YOUR NOVEL AND SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY APRIL 22nd.

End of March

Monday 24th-Thursday 27th
PAWS Testing
Magnetic Poetry game
Anticipatory Guide to Poetry Unit: What is fun about poetry? What is difficult about poetry? What are you interested in learning about regarding poetry? What was the best line of your magnetic poem?

Students should be reading their selected classic/award winner novel during down time of PAWS testing.

Friday 28th
Final Literature Circle Tic Tac Toe Assignment Due
Share cuttings, epilogues and character sketches.
Poetry Game reviewing poetry terms.

Monday 31st
Annotate three poems: Our Other Sister, Snow, The Telling Tree

Tuesday 1st
Read aloud from Heartbeat
Quick Write:
things I have overheard
lies I’ve told
things I have lost
things that embarrass me
things that can be peeled
things that annoy me
irritating sounds

Wednesday 2nd
Share “Dark and Stormy Night” metaphors
Create Rip Poems

Thursday 3rd
1st of two reading letters due.
Finish Rip Poems

Friday 4th
Quarterly Recognition
Finish Heartbeat
Share Rip Poems

Spring Break begins. School resumes on April 21st.
Spring Break work: Finish novel. Compose 2nd and final reading letter to your partner.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Enrichment Credit Opportunities

1. Finish podcast of belief essay or poem and drop in Open Access folder titled Hoelscher-Final Podcasts.
2. Submit five poems, narrative essay or short fiction to Young Authors.
3. Submit belief essay to NPR. Parent permission required.
4. Submit work to JHMS literary magazine--folder in Open Access is titled Short Stories and Literary Magazine-Hoelscher.
5. Write a note of thanks to one of the Community Forum panel members.
6. Participate in R.A.P. at the Teton County Library by submitting a video of yourself performing an original poem and upload to Tag the entry Teton County Library R.A.P. 2008! Great prizes!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

February 26th-March 7th

Tuesday 26th Literature Circle Introduction

Wednesday 27th Celebration for Belief Manifesto Project

Thursday 28th Literature Circle Team Meeting

Friday 29th Reading Day
Role Sheet #1 Due at End of Class

Monday 3rd Literature Circle Meeting #1

Tuesday 4th Literature Circle Meeting #1 continued
Parent Teacher Conferences 3:00-7:00

Wednesday 5th Reading Day
Parent Teacher Conferences 3:00-7:00

Thursday 6th In-class writing prompt
Role Sheet #2 Due at the end of class

Friday 7th No School

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

February 19th- February 22nd

Weekly Homework Question Generation

List of Panel Questions
Generate a list of questions that you would like to pose the community panel. What burning questions do have that you want answers for? Remember the theme of the Belief Manifesto project is to uncover personal beliefs. We started this project with the most basic questions: Who are you? What do you want? What are you willing to work for? The members of the panel will include a writer, a children’s lawyer and advocate, a bilingual high school student, a police chief and a recent college graduate. Submit a list of at least six questions and include which panel member you would most like to answer your question. Due on Thursday!

Tuesday- 2/19: Final essay and poem workshop.

Wednesday 2/20: Finish Gluing with Molly. Finalize collage. Podcast essays with Ms. Manhart.

Thursday 2/21: Literature Circle voting. Project wrap-up. Post work to dispay boards. Poems and Essays Due!

Friday 2/22: Celebration! Sharing poems and essays!

Monday- 2/25: Public Forum. Debrief in class.

Monday, February 11, 2008

February 11th-15th

Weekly Homework: Spend at least one hour improving your essay. Consider the following words from Katie:
1) Beliefs are something we can make choices towards.
2) Good writing has good rhythm. Read your work out loud to yourself to find words that need clarification or rewording.
3) Don’t be afraid to go “in scene.” Use dialogue and specifics when needed.
4) Sentence fragments are generally not a helpful tool for readers. To create voice and style with punctuation-- use colons, semicolons, dashes and commas.

Monday- 2/11: Molly
Discuss color theory and create a color palette, check in with portraits, discuss ideas, brain storm, share collage ideas, and make sure each student has chosen a phrase or collection of words to incorporate into the piece.

Tuesday 2/12: Katie
One-On-One meetings with Katie. Each student will conference with Katie about his or her essay draft. If you do not have a draft of your essay, a final copy of your poem and a printed portrait, today will be the workshop day to complete those tasks.

Wednesday 2/13: Learn Collage Techniques
Collage techniques demonstrated, students begin assembling, editing, and exploring their materials.

Thursday 2/14: Continue Essay Writing Workshop and Writing Conferences

Friday 2/15: Collage Gluing

Monday- 2/18: No school.

Monday, February 04, 2008

February 4th-8th

Monday 2/4: Poem Revision
Poem revisions due on Wednesday

Tuesday 2/5: Brainstorm Essay Ideas

Wednesday 2/6: LATE ARRIVAL DAY
Spelling Bee!

Thursday 2/7: Organizing and Drafting Essay

Friday 2/8: First Draft of Essay Due

Young Authors Draft check on Monday, February 11th