You must submit to one of the following writing contests or see me for an alternate assignment. You need to show me the evidence of your submission in class or make me a copy of your work. You are fully encouraged to revise work you have previously written but there should be clear evidence of improvement since your last draft.
1. Young Authors
Options: A collection of five poems, a non-fiction essay or a fictional story.
Due March 11th.
2. White Between the Lines--JHMS literary magazine
Submit your work at:
and be prepared to work one-on-one with Matt Daly, editor of the magazine.
Due by March 18th.
3. Wyoming Game and Fish Poetry Contest
Write a poem that celebrates Wyoming's National Wildlife Treasure and win a $200 savings bond.
Due by March 18th.
4. Laps for Literacy: "Why I ski or Why I ride"
Write a one-page essay explaining your passion for your sport. Win a ski pass To JHMR for next season.
Due on March 14th.
5. Submit an article or letter to the editor of the Colt Chronicle or Jackson Hole News and Guide.
Due by March 18th.
6. Tribute to Moral Courage Essay Contest offered by Anti-Defamation League.
Win $500!
Due by March 18th.
7. One-Act Play about Disability Contest offered by the International Organization of Arts and Disability.
Due April 10th.